climate-change-bonn-20146 June 2014: Ministers convened for the second day of the high-level ministerial on 6 June, as part of the June session of the UN climate change talks in Bonn, Germany, to discuss the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action. The dialogue provided an opportunity for ministers and other participants to discuss how to advance the implementation of actions with high mitigation potential and build the required confidence and momentum toward contributions under the Durban Platform.

Ministers considered how domestic climate change action is building a foundation for an ambitious climate deal in 2015. They also discussed the political implications of the latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), particularly for long-term mitigation and adaptation efforts and intended nationally determined contributions (INDC) to achieve that effort. The ministerial also aimed to provide political direction to the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) in the lead-up to COP 20 in Lima, Peru, and beyond and to exchange perspectives on domestic preparations for ambitious INDCs.

During the dialogue, ADP Co-Chair Kishan Kumarsingh, Trinidad and Tobago, highlighted issues to be resolved in the ADP, including: required information and process to consider INDCs; application of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) and respective capabilities in the 2015 agreement; legal form of the new agreement and the character of obligations within it; means of capturing progress on pre-2020 ambition; and full implementation of existing commitments, including on finance.

European Union (EU) Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard said she expected adoption of the EU’s 2030 target of 40% emission reductions below 1990 levels through domestic efforts in October but stressed efforts by all parties are needed. Denmark said movements forward by the US and China would encourage increased ambition.

The G-77/China called for an outcome based on the principles and provisions of the Convention, including CBDR. Brazil underscored that developing countries cannot be expected to do more when developed countries backtrack from emission reduction and means of implementation (MOI) commitments. Calling for immediate capitalization of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Indonesia announced a voluntary contribution of US$250,000. Mexico highlighted transitioning to a low carbon economy through sustainable consumption and production (SCP).

Australia said categorizing countries based on outdated groupings does not incentivize all countries to join the global effort. Malta said the 2015 agreement should reflect a dynamic spectrum of commitments indicating the evolving responsibilities and capabilities of countries.

On the role of COP 20, Colombia, for the Independent Alliance of Latin America and the Caribbean (AILAC), said preparation of a negotiating draft by Lima was crucial, including elaboration of the scope and nature of INDCs. AILAC also proposed that INDCs include mitigation, adaptation and MOI, and reflect national circumstances. Turkey said the agreement must be applicable to all while leaving the types of commitments and their timing to parties’ discretion.

On legal form, China urged focusing on content before legal form. Germany suggested a new Protocol from Paris, applicable to all Parties and their past, present and future emissions to move towards global decarbonization.

On content of the 2015 agreement, Grenada said the agreement must contain a mechanism to allow for increased commitments, suggesting a five-year timeframe for reviewing action levels. Grenada clarified that adaptation efforts must be contingent on the level of global ambition and that domestic action is often constrained by a lack of capacity in some developing countries.

Saudi Arabia called for a balanced 2015 agreement in line with the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Uganda, for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), emphasized that the agreement should include loss and damage, including a risk transfer mechanism. Nicaragua called for implementing the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage as a financial mechanism. Tanzania, for the African Group, said the agreement should define the level of adaptation finance and base access to adaptation funds on vulnerability. Guyana and Papua New Guinea called for anchoring the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ in the 2015 agreement.

Venezuela called for the new agreement to be based on justice, equity, science and the principles of the Convention. Bolivia cautioned against commodification of nature and asking developing countries to open their doors to corporate investments. New Zealand stressed international carbon markets are essential to sending predictable price signals. Australia suggested the new agreement should foster policies that promote investment and innovation.

In closing, COP 19 President Marcin Korolec, Poland, who co-chaired the session, called on parties to use events, such as the UN Secretary-General’s Climate Summit and the pre-COP, to advance negotiations. President-designate Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, the other co-chair, noted many parties had stressed the need for preparing the first draft negotiating text in Lima as a crucial milestone towards the new agreement. [Information Note on the Ministerial Dialogue] [Ministerial Webcast Part 1] [Ministerial Webcast Part 2]