13 September 2017: The seventh International Renewable Energy Conference (MEXIREC) provided a forum to discuss measures to scale-up and mainstream renewable energy for a global sustainable energy transition. Among other outcomes, participants adopted a declaration on the key elements to enhance the sustainable energy transition in Latin America and the Caribbean and worldwide.

The declaration acknowledges the central role of renewable energy and energy efficiency for achieving the objective of the Paris Agreement on climate change to keep anthropogenic induced global warming well below 2 °C. It notes that renewables are central pillars for any sustainable energy transition that also create job opportunities, improve air quality, and can contribute to improved food and water security. The document outlines key elements to accelerate the global transition to renewable energy, including: prioritizing renewables at the global level; building flexible and smart energy systems through improved sectoral system planning and operation, new business models and enabling technologies; securing financial resources, including through funding from the Green Climate Fund; prioritizing renewables in regulatory frameworks; and catalyzing engagement of the corporate sector.

The declaration also calls for support for: research and development; decentralized energy supply systems, such as off-grid, micro-grid and hybrid systems; renewable energies in cities; integrated planning; and the design of national and regional markets including pricing mechanisms that incentivize investments in renewables and the phasing out of fossil fuels. Finally, participants call for improved cooperation at all levels, including enhanced community engagement and, collaboration between energy-related organizations and initiatives. such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL).

One sidelines of MEXIREC, the Mexican Government organized a series of Dialogues on the Future of Energy (DEMEX) focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency and innovation, to promote discussion, analysis and reflection on energy trends and energy future scenarios among relevant actors of the energy sector. During the dialogues, UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Director General Li Yong and Mexico’s Secretary of Energy Joaquín Coldwell signed a joint declaration to enhance collaboration. Joint activities will include building in-country capacities, deploying energy efficient technologies and practices, and promoting energy efficiency standards.

Organized by Mexican Secretariat of Energy (SENER), REN21, and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), MEXIREC was held from 11-13 September 2017, in Mexico City, Mexico. The Republic of Korea will host IREC in 2019. [REN21 News Release][MEXIREC Declaration][MEXIREC Website][DEMEX Website][UNIDO Press Release][SAIREC 2015] [ADIREC 2013][DIREC 2010][WIREC 2008]



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