30 August 2018: The Lesotho Water Partnership, part of the Global Water Partnership (GWP) network, is supporting the country’s water ministry to revise its national water and sanitation policy. The revision seeks to incorporate greater recognition of water supply and sanitation services, integrated catchment management, and the SDGs.

The review process took place in three stages: review and comparison with international water policy and practices in selected countries; a survey of high-level decision makers in government, businesses, and civil society; and district-level stakeholder workshops. Water policy and practice in Botswana, India, Malawi and South Africa were benchmarked for comparison. The survey of high-level stakeholders invited comments and critiques of existing policy and practice. Participatory workshops took place in every district in Lesotho.

The process began in 2016 and continued through to 2018, resulting in the drafting of a white paper on water policy in Lesotho. The review process seeks to update the existing 2007 water policy. In addition to the existing Water Act, the process, which focuses on water resource management, may eventually produce a water services act addressing water supply and sanitation (SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2). [GWP Press Release on Revision of Water Policy in Lesotho] [GWP Press Release on Role of Lesotho Water Partnership]



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