1 October 2015: This update provides information on individual nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) by developing countries, including NAMAs seeking support for preparation and implementation, and related support, events and activities, for the period from June to September 2015.
On 1 October 2015, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) NAMA Registry displayed a total of: 50 NAMAs seeking support for preparation; 50 NAMAs seeking support for implementation; seven NAMAs for recognition; 18 entries on support for NAMAs; and 14 supported NAMAs. [UNFCCC NAMA Registry]
Based on the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) DTU Partnership pipeline, as of 1 September, total support requested for NAMAs was US$7.8 billion and support offered US$81.8 million. [UNEP DTU NAMA Pipeline]
On NAMAs seeking support for preparation, according to the UNEP DTU Partnership pipeline, in June-September, Namibia, Thailand, the Gambia and Uruguay made submissions. The NAMAs by Namibia and the Gambia, which later received support through the UN Development Programme (UNDP) MDG Carbon programme, focus on rural electrification with renewable energy. Thailand’s NAMA, which later secured support through the NAMA Facility, seeks to promote energy efficient refrigeration and air conditioning devices. Uruguay resubmitted a NAMA aimed at creating a programme to transform agricultural and agroindustry waste into energy. [UNEP DTU NAMA Pipeline] [NAMA News on Namibia] [NAMA News on the Gambia]
Also, the Dominican Republic sought support for the preparation of a ‘blue carbon’ NAMA that will conserve and restore mangroves to maximize their potential to sequester and store carbon. [NAMA News on the Dominican Republic]
On NAMAs seeking support for implementation, according to the UNEP DTU Partnership pipeline, in June-September, Syria, Namibia and Tunisia made submissions. Five NAMAs by Syria, all in the electricity generation sector, focus on a range of actions to build, operate and increase the energy efficiency of power plants, including ones running on solar and wind energy. Namibia’s NAMA aims to establish 10 renewable energy mini-grids. Tunisia is seeking support for its 2030 renewable energy plan. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has already provided US$3.6 million for the design and partial implementation of the Tunisian NAMA. [UNEP DTU NAMA Pipeline] [UNFCCC Registry Tunisia GEF]
Also, NAMA News reported on related developments in Cambodia, Costa Rica and Mongolia. A NAMA focusing on Cambodia’s garment industry aims to improve energy efficiency in the industrial sector and build related capacity with a total estimated cost of US$29.7 million. Costa Rica’s ‘Café Costa Rica’ is seeking support for building an environmentally and economically sustainable, low-carbon coffee industry with a total implementation cost of US$30 million over 10 years. Support for the preparation of Costa Rica’s NAMA was provided by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). Mongolia submitted a NAMA linked to a US$7.5 million plan to install energy efficient lighting and increase public awareness about climate change. [NAMA News on Cambodia] [NAMA News on Costa Rica] [NAMA Facility Fact Sheet on Costa Rica] [NAMA News Article on Mongolia]
The International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV reported on Vanuatu’s US$5.5 million renewable energy NAMA that will establish micro-grids and extend existing grids, as well as build related capacity. The NAMA is receiving capacity development support for a period of five years. [MRV Partnership Article on Vanuatu]
On supported NAMAs in June-September 2015, in addition to the ones mentioned above, the UNFCCC Registry listed the development of a feed-in-tariff for renewable energy in Sudan, supported with US$3.5 million by the GEF. [UNFCCC Registry on Sudan]
Germany and Ecofys are supporting Ethiopia, through the Mitigation Momentum project, in the development of a rural electrification NAMA aimed at supporting Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy. The first stakeholder workshop took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 17 June. [NAMA News on Ethiopia] [Mitigation Momentum Website]
On financing available for NAMAs, new entries in the UNFCCC Registry in June-September included: the UNDP Low Emission Capacity Building (LECB) Programme, funded by Australia, the EU and Germany; technical assistance for the preparation of NAMAs through the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), a joint initiative with the UNFCCC Secretariat; third call of the NAMA Facility, funded by Denmark, the EU, Germany and the UK; and the UNDP MDG Carbon programme, funded by Australia. [UNFCCC NAMA Registry] [NAMA News on CTCN UNFCCC Support]
The third call of the NAMA Facility, which ended on 15 July 2015, received 42 Support Project Outlines, with the largest share submitted by countries from Africa. Energy efficiency and renewable energy were the most common sectors among the outlines submitted for the call that will disburse a total of €85 million. [NAMA Facility Article]
Also, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) shared information on a learning tool on NAMAs in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector. [FAO AFOLU NAMA Learning Tool]
On other NAMA-related news in June-September, the UNFCCC Secretariat organized regional capacity building workshops on NAMAs in Bonn, Germany (for Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe), Kigali, Rwanda (for Africa), and Santiago, Chile (for Latin America and the Caribbean). [UNFCCC Event Webpage] [NAMA News on Kigali Workshop]
The International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV launched a new version of an online course on NAMA development that is guided by a tutor. The accompanying free e-learning course is designed for government representatives involved in the NAMA process and runs for two months. [Mitigation Partnership Article]
In June, the Mitigation Momentum project released its mid-year Status Report on NAMAs, which registered 151 NAMAs, of which 11 are being implemented. Of all NAMAs, 39% are in the energy supply sector and 40% have been submitted by Latin American countries. The report draws attention to the “discrepancy between the energy and enthusiasm countries put into the preparation of NAMAs, and the international support that is being made available.” It identifies a need to understand the role of NAMAs in intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) and states that NAMAs can be a robust building block of the future climate regime. [Mitigation Momentum Status Report]
NAMAs are actions that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions relative to business-as-usual (BAU) emissions in 2020 in developing countries and are prepared under the umbrella of a governmental initiative. The UNFCCC distinguishes between NAMAs at the national level, communicated by parties through a formal submission, and individual NAMAs that range from projects to sectoral programmes or policies. The UNFCCC further differentiates between individual NAMAs in preparation and those in implementation. NAMAs are supported by finance, technology and capacity building.