6 June 2014: The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) launched a report outlining what can be done to double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by the year 2030, based on studies of renewable energy potential in 26 countries. The report states that this target is cost-effective and within reach, and that achieving it will reduce pollution, alleviate adverse health impacts of fossil fuel use, increase energy security, and create almost one million jobs.
The report, titled ‘ReMAP 2030: A Renewable Energy Roadmap,’ was launched at the Sustainable Energy For All Forum (SE4All) in New York, US. The 26 countries that were studied represent three-quarters of global energy demand.
The report focuses on increasing the share of renewables in electricity generation, buildings, transport and industry, saying it is possible to scale up the share of renewables to 36% by 2030. It notes that ensuring such a trajectory will limit global warming to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2100.
The authors estimate that switching to renewable energy will result in savings of up to US$740 billion a year by 2030, if the socio-economic benefits of renewables are taken into account, for example, avoidance of the costs associated with air pollution and the ensuing health impacts.
They recommend that governments plan realistic pathways for uptake of renewables, including putting in place national roadmaps. To create an enabling business environment for renewables, they suggest reducing the costs of capital for investors, ensuring a level playing field for renewables, and promoting international technology markets through standards and certification. They call for building a strong, publicly accessible knowledge base on the costs, potential and options for renewable energy, and for capacity strengthening efforts aimed at manufacturers, installers and users. They recommend that governments focus on the design of energy systems, including transmission grids and interconnectors, and put in place policy frameworks that address issues of energy pricing and market structure.
The report concludes that there is a significant lack of investment in cross-border and regional initiatives to scale up renewables. IRENA announced that, from 2014-2015, it will create ‘ReMAP’ action teams that will bring governments and stakeholders together to work on joint strategies for renewables and energy efficiency. [Publication: ReMAP 2030: A Renewable Energy Roadmap] [IRENA Press Release] [IRENA Website]