December 2012: Alongside its fourth regional consultation, the Groundwater Governance – a Global Framework for Action Project has released a series of regional reports on consultations in Sub-Saharan Africa, Arab States and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

The project aims to raise awareness of groundwater resources, and identify and promote best practices in groundwater governance. The recent regional reports document the consultations in each region.

The regional consultation for East and South Asia and the Pacific took place from 3-5 December 2012, in Shijiazhuang, China, and included 70 participants from 17 countries. The consultation aimed to identify regional and country challenges related to groundwater governance.

The regional report from Africa shares national and regional experiences, highlights case studies on groundwater governance in Africa, discusses options for securing financing for groundwater, data availability and quality, and stakeholder participation.

The LAC report explores questions of urban and rural conflicts over water governance, institutional structures for managing groundwater, necessary investments for sustainable groundwater use, and participation.

The Arab Region report evaluated regional groundwater governance, explored national and regional experiences, considered issues around governance in arid and semi-arid regions and examined opportunities for strengthening participation of civil society. The final regional consultation for Europe, North America and the Caucasus will occur from 18-21 March 2013.

The regional reports are complemented by country case studies from India, Kenya and South Africa. Forthcoming thematic papers will be developed on groundwater pollution, collective use of groundwater, rural/urban tensions, management of aquifer recharge, policy and governance, legal frameworks for groundwater governance, trends in local institutions, social adoption of technology, and macro-economic trends.

The Groundwater Governance Project is a joint projected supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), with the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) International Hydrological Programme (IHP), the International Association of Hydrologists and the World Bank. [Groundwater Governance Project Regional Documents] [Groundwater Governance Project Case Studies] [Groundwater Governance Project Thematic Papers]