Persons with disabilities remain too often excluded from policy and program responses, despite commitments to leave no one behind. The disability data gap leads to deprioritization of persons with disabilities. COVID-19 hastened the digital shift, with consequences for persons with disabilities and a disconcerting digital divide.

Indeed, in a world increasingly connected through the digital sphere, the disability data gap is also fueled by the digital gap and inaccessibility of the online world, which largely excludes persons with disabilities from online data collection processes.

The International Disability Alliance (IDA), established in 1999, is a network of eight global and six regional organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), representing the voice of the estimated 1.2 billion persons with disabilities worldwide. Over the years, IDA engaged and developed a unique mandate representing and advocating for all human rights for all persons with disabilities, using the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as cornerstone of our work.

Confronted with the limitations of existing online survey tools, the IDA partnered with the Preignition to develop a technical solution which builds in a diversity of options, valuing the diversity of respondents’ preferences rather than considering it as a constraint. The iData online survey platform was developed in consultation with and tested by a diverse group of persons with disabilities, and offers:

  • A unique function to adapt the survey format to preferences of the respondents;
  • A wide range of accessibility options including:
    • accessing questions in audio format, with different voice speed
    • changing themes, contrast and font size
    • accessing questions in sign language through videos
    • accessing questions in an easy-to-read format with illustrations
    • helper text to explain complex words or provide guidance on how questions should be answered
  • Easy navigation into the structure of a survey and allows for easy-to-read format; and
  • It also spans the digital divide for users with limited internet access by optimizing functionality within low bandwidth.

This video introduces iData and highlights how the platform is being used to host a survey enabling the diversity of persons with disabilities to connect and share their views and responses. This example showcases IDA’s Second Global Survey on Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) Participation, which is part of a strategy to monitor progress with participation of OPDs as a key component of disability-inclusive development and humanitarian action. As leaders make plans to build back better, persons with disabilities and their representative organizations must be a part of shaping inclusive programs and policies that advance their rights. iData offers an accessible platform to support consultations inclusive of all.

This article was written with support from the UN World Data Forum Secretariat. Read additional SDG Knowledge Hub stories about the UN World Data Forum, data impact, and news.



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