© IEA13 October 2009: The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released a document entitled “Technology Roadmap: Carbon Capture and Storage,” as part of a series of publications to be produced at the behest of the G8 to advance innovative energy technologies.

After outlining the rationale for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), which revolves primarily around lowering costs of climate change mitigation, and the functioning of the technology, the Roadmap enters into a detailed scenario for the growth of CCS from the few projects that exist today to over three thousand projects by 2050, and concludes with a set of actions that stakeholders can take to achieve the Roadmap’s vision.
Among the Roadmap’s 10 key findings are that: to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 50%, CCS will require approximately 6% of overall climate change mitigation investments; and CCS must be adopted by both developed and developing countries alike to play a meaningful role in mitigating climate change. [The Roadmap]