IDB23 June 2014: The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Energy Division has launched the Energy Innovation Center (EIC) website, a resource to help governments, businesses, academics and citizens understand the energy landscape in the Latin American and Caribbean region. A central feature of the EIC is an interactive, online Energy Database, which includes two information products illustrating national energy flows and institutional frameworks.

The Database’s Energy Flow product presents quantitative time-series data from the ‘World Energy Statistics and Balances’ of the International Energy Agency (IEA) on the production, consumption and flow of primary energy from coal, oil, natural gas, geothermal, hydro, solar, wind, biofuels and nuclear in most of the countries in the region. The comprehensive dataset also includes information on electricity generation and energy use in the residential, commercial, transport and industrial sectors. This data is presented in the form of eight visualizations: Energy Matrix; Primary Energy Production Comparison; Primary and Secondary Energy Comparison; Primary Energy Balance over Time; Secondary Energy Balance over Time; Final Consumption by Sector over Time; Final Consumption by Sector and Source; and Electricity Matrix.

The second data product on Institutional Frameworks provides qualitative information on the regulatory approach and market organization of select countries. The information is presented as both historical time series and pie charts showing the share of public, private, and government players in the exploration, transformation, transportation, sale and distribution, trade and consumption of natural gas, crude oil, oil derivatives and liquified petroleum gas. It also contains additional information on private participation in energy markets.

Other sections on the website offer information on experts and other resources hosted under the Center’s Secondment Program, and an Interactive Knowledge resource for publications, videos, and links to regional and global energy stakeholders. [EIC Website] [IEA World Energy Statistics and Balances]



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