27 December 2010
ICRISAT Releases Strategic Plan to 2020
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The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) strategic plan envisions a "prosperous, food-secure and resilient dryland tropics," through "partnership-based international agricultural research for development that embodies 'Science with a Human Face' in tropical dryland Africa and Asia."

December 2010: The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has released its strategic plan to 2020, titled “ICRISAT Strategic Plan to 2020: Inclusive Market-Oriented Development for Smallholder Farmers in the Tropical Drylands.”

The plan was released during ICRISAT’s 38th anniversary celebrations in December 2010, and includes a five-year business plan as well as a rolling three-year Medium-Term Plan, to be updated annually. ICRISAT envisions a “prosperous, food-secure and resilient dryland tropics,” through “partnership-based international agricultural research for development that embodies ‘Science with a Human Face’ in tropical dryland Africa and Asia.” The approach will embrace market-oriented agriculture. ICRISAT has included improving resilience of agricultural systems to climate change as a core strategic thrust. This work will include application of crop simulation models, research on community natural resource management, tree-crop-livestock synergies, as well as rehabilitation of degraded land. This climate work will focus on six research areas.

Many of the research and application activities will focus on conserving agricultural genetic resources and improving crop varieties through cross breeding and use of genetic tools. The strategy notes that the ICRISAT approach to genetic engineering is guided by the policies of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). The application of the strategy will rely on collaboration with CGIAR partner institutions. ICRISAT is a member of the CGIAR. [ICRISAT Press Release] [ICRISAT Strategic Plan 2010]

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