post2015-time-global-action14 September 2015: The Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) has published the submissions received during the open consultation on a global indicator framework for the SDGs. The submissions by IAEG members and observers and civil society, academia and the private sector are expected to inform discussion at the second meeting of the IAEG-SDGs.

IAEG members and observers commented on the proposed targets for each of the 17 SDGs. Members and observers also provided comments on other topics related to the proposed framework, including: the development of a framework for communicating and presenting the proposed indicators for global monitoring; data disaggregation and cross-cutting issues such as inequality; and identification of interlinkages across Goals and targets, with the aim of reducing the total number of targets. An Appendix reflects comments provided outside the Open Consultation Forum. Civil society, academia and the private sector also responded, and their comments are summarized in a separate document.

The second meeting of the IAEG-SDGs will convene in Bangkok, Thailand, from 26-28 October 2015. Participants will review the list of possible global indicators, discuss the global indicator framework, including comments received, and discuss the work plan and next steps. [IAEG-SDGs Press Release] [Comments Received] [Information on Second Meeting of IAEG-SDGs]