HLP On15 May 2013: The UN High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) has met to review a second draft of the Panel report. An HLP statement said the meeting, held on 13-15 May 2013, in New York, US, called for “a renewed Global Partnership that enables a transformative, people-centered and planet-sensitive development agenda, realized through the equal partnership of all stakeholders.”

The statement added that the meeting had reaffirmed the Panel’s vision to “end extreme poverty in all its forms in the context of sustainable development and to have in place the building blocks of sustained prosperity for all.”

Speaking to reporters at UN Headquarters on 15 May, David Cameron, UK Prime Minister and HLP co-chair, said the Panel has “one clear, overarching aim: to end extreme poverty in our world.” He said this is doable, with a vision that by 2030 everyone will have drinking water, electricity, health care and a place in school.

He also described the “transformational shift” called for by the Panel, regarding the need to address the causes of poverty, not just to use aid to address poverty’s symptoms. He indicated that these causes include the effects of conflict and violence, and that the focus must shift to ensuring strong institutions, accountable government and the rule of law. To this end, he said, the report will feature a new commitment to strong institutions and governance, which is a “totally new addition” to the MDGs.

Cameron said the focus of the post-2015 agenda must be on economic growth, driven by a strong private sector “as the most powerful engine there is to lift people out of poverty.” In response to a question on not including a goal on income inequality, Cameron said “equality of opportunity” flows through the report, and that is the most important form of equality – that everyone is given a chance.

Cameron said the report will define goals and offer illustrative examples of goals to succeed the MDGs after 2015. [UN Press Release] [Webcast of stakeout] [HLP Statement]