30 March 2011
GSP Preparatory Discussions Consider Possible Scenario Exercise
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Meeting alongside the second gathering of the UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP 2), discussions focused on: a possible "scenario exercise," follow-up to the findings of the three Working Groups, and upcoming work, including outreach and the preparation of papers on each idea needing further elaboration, ahead of GSP 3.

March 2011: The “Sherpas” and Senior Advisors to the members of the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP) met from 25-26 February 2011, in Cape Town, South Africa, alongside the second meeting of the Panel (GSP 2). The recently released report of the meeting, prepared by the GSP Secretariat, summarizes the Sherpas’ discussions of: a possible “scenario exercise;” follow-up to the Working Groups’ findings; and upcoming work, including outreach.

On a possible scenario exercise, which could include “back-casting” from a desirable future and a comparison to a “Business as Usual scenario,” the Sherpas agreed that it could be useful in exemplifying visually some of the Panel’s recommendations.

On the follow-up to the three Working Groups (WGs) set up to advise the Panel, which had completed their work in advance of GSP 2 and presented their findings at that meeting, the Sherpas discussed each recommendation, rating its expected impact against its political feasibility. Noting the high expected impact and lower political feasibility of many of the recommendations, the Sherpas expressed the hope that the Panel members could help bridge the gap.

On upcoming work before GSP 3, to be held from 16-18 May 2011, in Helsinki, Finland, the Sherpas discussed the further elaboration of several ideas, through short papers to be prepared by Panel members who had volunteered to serve as the “champions” of each idea. These papers would be prepared ahead of GSP 3. Some Sherpas said this process provided a good opportunity for Panel members to involve civil society by seeking their ideas on the issues.

The issues include: planetary boundaries (definitions and practical implications); transition to green/low-carbon economy, especially for the poor; economics/markets; indicators; environmental services, agriculture and food security; energy access for all; innovation (technological, social, etc.); technology (transfer and cooperation); and governance for sustainability (at global, national and regional levels).

On the final report of the Panel, the Sherpas decided to request a first draft of an introductory chapter from the Secretariat, ahead of GSP 3.

On outreach, Sherpas discussed regional consultations and other outreach activities before GSP 3, including: the interactive dialogue with the UN General Assembly and other consultations in New York, US, held from 15-16 March 2011; a meeting in Gland, Switzerland, convened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on 16-17 March 2011; and a meeting with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) in Madrid, Spain, on 12 April 2011.

On the timeline for the remainder of the Panel’s work, the Sherpas noted that GSP 4 was expected to take place in late September 2011, in New York, US, followed by GSP 5 in mid-December 2011, at which the final report would be approved. The final report then would be submitted to the UN Secretary-General, in mid-January 2012.

The Sherpas will meet again from 13-14 April 2011, in Madrid, Spain. [Report of Cape Town Sherpas’ Meeting (in Annex II)] [Sustainable Development Policy & Practice Post on IUCN Meeting]

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