21 October 2010
Group of 77 and China Adopt Draft Plan of Action on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development
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The Plan of Action addresses South-South triangular cooperation within the CBD and the Cartagena Protocol, and defines targets, cooperative strategies and a plan for implementation.

20 October 2010: At the First Forum on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development, which convened on 17 October 2010, in Nagoya, Japan, the 131 Parties of the Group of 77 and China unanimously adopted the draft “Multi-Year Plan of Action on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity for Development.”

The Plan of Action (UNEP/SCBD/COP/10/18/Add.1/Rev.1) has the vision of realizing effective South-South triangular cooperation within the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety by 2020, in order to compliment North-South cooperation as well as support the Convention’s 2011-2020 Strategic Plan and the Millennium Development Goals. The plan defines targets, cooperative strategies, and a plan for implementation. [Press release] Plan of action: [Arabic][Chinese][English][French][Russian][Spanish]

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