globe28 February 2014: The 2nd GLOBE Climate Legislation Summit, which brought together legislators from over 50 countries, saw the launch of the fourth edition of the GLOBE Climate Legislation Study and of the Partnership for Climate Legislation. Legislators also presented case studies of their national policies, and discussed how national legislation can contribute to a new international climate agreement.

The Global Legislators Organisation (GLOBE) International convened the Summit in Washington DC, US, from 27-28 February 2014, bringing together over 100 legislators, as well as representatives from UN organizations and the World Bank.

The Climate Legislation Study, the most comprehensive review of climate legislation to date, analyzes close to 500 pieces of legislation in 66 countries, which together are responsible for 88% of global carbon emissions, and sets out “politically significant findings that will have a direct bearing on the success of the international negotiations.” The study shows: a significant rise in national climate legislation, with much of the progress occurring in countries with emerging economies; and that while legislative approaches differ by country, national legislation is achieving similar results, such as improved energy security, greater resource efficiency, and cleaner, lower carbon economic growth.

The Partnership for Climate Legislation, launched in response to the study and supported by the UN and the World Bank, will help national legislators develop, pass and implement laws on climate change and forestry/REDD+ by sharing best legislative practices, and assisting with policy, analytical and legal capacity.

During the Summit, Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), explained that “domestic legislation is critical because it is the linchpin” between international agreement and action on the ground, “opens the political space for international agreements and facilitates overall ambition.”

Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UN Environment Programme (UNEP), emphasized that national legislation is vital for effective, fair and transparent REDD+ implementation. He pointed to the GLOBE Forest Legislation Initiative, which aims to strengthen legislation and parliamentary inspection functions in forested developing countries. Steiner invited legislators to engage with the recently-established UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), which will meet for the first time in June 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Naoko Ishii, CEO, Global Environment Facility (GEF), said the GEF has worked with governments in over 100 countries to support the development of laws and regulations to increase energy efficiency and establish policy frameworks to expand renewable energy markets.

Speakers also included US Senator Edward Markey, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change Rachel Kyte, US Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern, Mexican Congress President Ricardo Anaya Cortes, and UN Assistant Secretary-General Robert Orr.

During the Summit, Figueres launched a GLOBE Legislation App, which will make all GLOBE publications accessible in a mobile format, beginning with the 700-page Climate Legislation Study. The App includes information on GLOBE’s activities and future events, is available on the Apple App Store, and will be released for Android systems on 10 March 2014.

GLOBE International is comprised of national parliamentarians from over 80 countries committed to developing and overseeing the implementation of laws in pursuit of sustainable development. [GLOBE Climate Legislation Summit Webpage] [GLOBE Climate Legislation Study Webpage] [Launch of GLOBE Legislation App] [UN Press Release] [UNEP Press Release] [GEF Press Release] [Statement of UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres] [World Bank/GLOBE Press Release on the Study]



