3gf22 October 2014: The Fourth Global Green Growth Forum (3GF2014) explored key related questions and launched or leveraged 11 collaborative partnerships. The Forum, which brought together over 500 leaders and decision makers from governments, cities, businesses, finance and civil society, explored actions needed for promoting sustainable production and consumption for a greener economy under the theme ‘Changing Production and Consumption Patterns through Transformative Action.’

During the two-day event, a total of 34 plenary, partnership and learning sessions, and ‘In Conversations’ with leaders were organized. Topics addressed in plenary included: transforming cities; transforming production patterns by enabling consumers; transforming the food sector; transforming the energy sector; and transforming economic growth paths.

Collaborative partnerships launched or leveraged during the Forum included ones to: develop a roadmap to transform global plastic packaging, between the City of Copenhagen and private sector partners; provide 20,000 villages globally with renewable energy access; coordinate efforts on sustainable apparel value chains; and develop global green standards for procurement in the health sector.

The conclusions from the 3GF2014 are expected to generate inputs to relevant international negotiations and forums, including on the post-2015 development agenda and under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

3GF2014 was organized by the global public-private partnership 3GF from 20-21 October 2014, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The 3GF, a partnership of seven governments (Denmark, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, China, Kenya, Qatar and Ethiopia) and several businesses and international organizations, works to support, including through public-private partnerships, the transition to a green economy. [3GF2014 Website] [3GF 2014 Summary of Proceedings]



    Global Partnerships

