29 April 2019: A multistakeholder partnership has launched a public consultation on a “mapping” of organizations working on sustainable finance in and around Geneva, Switzerland, known collectively as the ‘Geneva Sustainable Finance Ecosystem.’ The mapping initiative seeks to better understand these organizations and provides a roadmap for identifying and reaching out to potential collaborators.

The mapping initiative is a collaborative project between Sustainable Finance Geneva, the Canton of Geneva, SDG Lab and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). As noted by Kali Taylor, IISD Advisor, in an IISD blog, mobilizing the estimated USD 5-7 trillion per year needed to achieve the 17 SDGs will require a “system shift” in fiscal policies, private incentives, aid mechanisms and trade networks. It also will require innovation and new ways to drive capital to sustainable development.

The initial mapping identifies 145 organizations working on sustainable finance in Geneva, 45 of which are dedicated solely to sustainable finance. An additional 65 are private sector actors, and 72 are international organizations, foundations or associations. The map also defines roles and activities played by various entities involved in sustainable finance, such as offering financial products and services, and capacity building.

The online consultation seeks to validate information incorporated in the Geneva Sustainable Finance Ecosystem map, and to include any missing institutions active in sustainable finance.

The mapping initiative is the first outcome of a broader collaboration around sustainable finance. [Consultation Platform] [IISD Blog]