21 February 2011
GEF Approves Projects on Transport and Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Industry
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Three projects within the climate change focal area, related to transport, energy efficiency in industry and in commercial buildings in China, Cambodia and India were approved by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

February 2011: Monique Barbut, CEO of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), has endorsed three GEF projects within the climate change focal area, related to transport, energy efficiency in industry and in commercial buildings. CEO endorsement is the final step in GEF project cycle approval.

A Green Truck Demonstration Project in China, will invest US$ 4.2 million to address market failures in order to demonstrate energy efficient truck technologies and freight logistics operation technologies to build confidence in the performance of proved green technologies.

A project for Improved Energy Efficiency in the Industrial Sector in Cambodia will invest US$1.24 million to target the most energy intensive sectors (brick-making, food services, rice-milling, garment, and rubber) to demonstrate the technical and financial feasibility of industrial energy efficiency.

A US$5.2 million GEF grant for a project on Energy Efficiency Improvements in Commercial Buildings in India will focus on developing capacity for the implementation of the Energy Conservation Building Code and to enhance expertise of local building practitioners and service providers; as well as on demonstration projects for several buildings in five different climatic zones. It will also address fiscal and regulatory frameworks for energy efficient buildings, including stronger financial incentives and information and awareness management. [GEF Projects Website]