iufro-forest-fao-icraf26 March 2014: FOREST EUROPE has reported on the outcomes of the workshop ‘Forests and Water: From Research to Application,’ which discussed the relationship between water and forests, and the future of international agreements on these issues.

Participants at the workshop considered, in particular, a report on conclusions, recommendations and commitments on forests and water based on international meetings held between 2008 and 2011. The report, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), highlights the role of forests in the hydrological cycle and the contribution of forests to the reduction of water-related risks.

The report calls for the strengthening of synergies between forest and water communities, as well as additional research on forest and water interactions. The publication draws attention to the need for new and existing research to be integrated into policy and decision-making processes. It also takes note of the challenges associated with maximizing forest ecosystem services without threatening water resources, especially in light of projected climate change.

FOREST EUROPE reiterated the importance of the links between forests and water, noting the Warsaw Resolution 2 on ‘Forests and Water’ adopted at the Fifth Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forest in Europe in November 2007. The Warsaw Resolution 2 commits signatory countries to actions on the sustainable management of forests in relation to water, the coordination of policies on forests and water, enhanced links between forests, water and climate change, and the assessment and consideration of the economic value of water-related forest services.

The workshop, held from 24-26 March 2014, in Kunming, China, was organized by FAO, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) of CGIAR, and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). [FOREST EUROPE Press Release] [Publication: Forests and Water – International Momentum and Action] [IISD RS Story on Warsaw Resolution 2]