sidsdock9 May 2013: The first SIDS DOCK Pacific Regional Meeting reviewed the current work of the first phase of the SIDS DOCK Support Programme and discussed its next phase. SIDS DOCK is an initiative developed by small island developing States (SIDS) for SIDS to promote renewable energy, energy efficiency, and contribute towards sustainable development with support from the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank.

The meeting, which took place in Nadi, Fiji, from 6-9 May 2013, was attended by national coordinators and senior officials responsible for energy policy from 12 Pacific members of SIDS DOCK, as well as representatives from regional organizations and development partners. Participants discussed the preparatory process currently underway for the SIDS 2014 conference to be hosted by Samoa in September 2014. This meeting was called for in the UN Conference for Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) outcome document.

During the meeting, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and UNDP signed a two million dollar agreement for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in the Pacific islands. The funds are provided by the Government of Denmark through SIDS DOCK. The funds will allow for the new phase of the Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project (PIGGAREP): PIGGAREP-plus.

Participants reviewed current SIDS DOCK efforts in attracting further donor support, acknowledged efforts to strengthen the capacity and legal structure of the SIDS DOCK Secretariat, and agreed to several proposals for consideration at the next SIDS DOCK Meeting.

According to the resulting meeting statement, the proposals include: a functional organization with a Pacific presence; transformational and ground-breaking areas of interventions; improved understanding of SIDS DOCK; and strengthened partnerships.

Under the first proposal, presence issues addressed include: proceeding with commitments to have a presence in the Pacific with an office associated with SPREP; sustainable financing mechanisms for SIDS DOCK; and increased visibility of SIDS DOCK at the national and regional levels with strong media presence.

Under the second proposal, issues addressed include the value in having regional and country-specific projects, and the allocation of SIDS DOCK funding from Denmark and Japan.

Under the third proposal, the meeting discussed the need for a better understanding of SIDS DOCK procedures and processes by Pacific members.

Under the fourth proposal, members endorsed strengthened partnerships between SIDS DOCK and other agencies active in the energy sectors of SIDS, and noted the progress made under the global Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative.

The meeting was funded by the Danish Government through the SIDS DOCK Support Programme, and organized by UNDP in collaboration with other SIDS DOCK partners, namely: the SIDS DOCK Secretariat; the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC); the World Bank; and SPREP.

The following countries participated in the meeting: the Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, the Republic of Marshall Islands, the Republic of Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Tokelau participated in an observer capacity. [SIDS DOCK Press Release] [SPREP Press Release] [IISD RS Sources]