12 December 2012
FAO Infosylva Highlights Brazils’ Low Deforestation Rate in the Amazon
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The 22nd edition of FAO's 2012 Infosylva newsletter highlights the lowest rates of deforestation observed in the Brazilian Amazon and research into sustainable forest management in Cameroon.

FAO events mentioned in the newsletter include Forest Day 6, which took place on the sidelines to the Doha Climate Change Conference, as well as the upcoming Third Mediterranean Forest Week and the World Teak Conference, both to be held in March 2013.

FAODecember 2012: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) has released the 22nd edition of its 2012 Infosylva newsletter, which highlights the lowest rates of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon since records began in 1988.

The newsletter features an article on an ongoing project in Cameroon where the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is collecting data on the potential for sustainable timber production to increase carbon stocks.

FAO events mentioned in the newsletter include Forest Day 6, which took place on the sidelines to the Doha Climate Change Conference, as well as the upcoming Third Mediterranean Forest Week and the World Teak Conference, both to be held in March 2013.

With regard to FAO news items, the newsletter reports on a workshop held in conjunction with an afforestation and reforestation project in Armenia, as well as a viewpoint from Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), drawn from the keynote speech delivered at the opening of the 3rd World Forest Week and the 21st session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO 2012).

Additional news items of interest are presented from: Australia, Belarus, Brazil, China, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Mauritius, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, the Sudan, Taiwan Province of China, Tanzania, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the UK, the US, Viet Nam and Zambia. [Publication: Infosylva 22/2012]

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