11 June 2008
FAO High-Level Conference Identifies Measures to Ensure World Food Security
story highlights

5 June 2008: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy, which convened in Rome, Italy, from 3-5 June 2008, adopted a Declaration, outlining immediate as well as medium- and long-term measures to ensure food security.

Among other actions, it requests the FAO, […]

5 June 2008: The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) High-Level
Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and
Bioenergy, which convened in Rome, Italy, from 3-5 June 2008, adopted a
Declaration, outlining immediate as well as medium- and long-term measures to
ensure food security.

Among other actions, it requests the FAO, in partnership
with the World Food Programme, the International Fund for Agricultural
Development and others, to monitor food security and develop strategies to
improve it. Together with the Report of the Conference, the Declaration offers
input to the draft framework for action developed by the Secretary-General’s High-Level
Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis, which Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon presented to the Conference. [FAO Conference website]
[IISD RS coverage]

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