FAO16 May 2012: Highlighting the need for more robust estimates of carbon stock changes related to forests, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) reported on work on forest soil carbon carried out in Tanzania.

The FAO soil survey project for Tanzania was presented at the UNFCCC Climate Talks in Bonn, Germany. FAO noted that while soil carbon models are available for Europe, the US, Canada and Japan, the assessment will allow the testing and calibration of soil carbon models for applicability in East Africa. The work on soil carbon is a component of a $5.6 million project that involves 16 teams collecting field data from 3,400 sites in Tanzania. If the monitoring systems demonstrate an increase in the carbon stocks, it will allow Tanzania to participate in mechanisms for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries (REDD). [FAO Press Release] [UN Press Release]