18 February 2010
European Commission Scientific Newsletter Focuses on Climate and Health
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11 February 2010: The most recent issue of Science for Environment Policy, the newsletter published by the European Commission to inform policy makers of recent research findings, includes several pieces on climate change and a special thematic issue on climate change and health.

The 184th issue includes articles on: four fast-action strategies to tackle abrupt […]

11 February 2010: The most recent issue of Science for Environment Policy, the newsletter published by the European Commission to inform policy makers of recent research findings, includes several pieces on climate change and a special thematic issue on climate change and health.
The 184th issue includes articles on: four fast-action strategies to tackle abrupt climate change; ten principles of climate change communication; and pricing carbon and tropical deforestation. In addition, the thematic issue on environment and health includes two articles titled “Link between climate change and child health: call for more research” and “Managing infectious disease under climate change which range from chemicals and food, to housing quality and noise.” The editorial underlines the findings of a 2004 report of the World Health Organization (WHO) on childhood disease and environmental risk factors, and the upcoming WHO/Europe Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, to be held from 10-12 March 2010, in Parma, Italy. [Science for Environment Policy Issue 184] [Thematic Issue on Environment and Health]

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