asia-europe5 November 2013: The Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVForum) has released an interim report for consultation, on ways for countries to draw on national priorities and experiences to implement Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The interim report: proposes ten priority themes for SDGs; suggests creating “sustainability dashboards” of indicators; and calls on countries to ensure that governance is clearly covered as a key aspect of sustainable development.

‘Sustainable Development Goals for a Small Planet’ is based on collaborative research by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Central European University (CEU), Earth Council Asia-Pacific, Public Strategies for Sustainable Development (PS4SD), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).

ENVForum launched the report at a two-day conference in Seoul, Republic of Korea, which addressed the concept of green growth, the contribution of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to green growth, and SDGs and the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. Brice Lalonde, Special Advisor on Sustainable Development to the UN Global Compact, delivered a keynote address on business in the SDGs framework.

Feedback and comments on the interim report are encouraged and will be incorporated into the final version. [Publication: Sustainable Development Goals and Indicators for a Small Planet – Interim Report] [ASEF Press Release] [ASEF Website]