18 May 2012
EEA Report Assesses Progress Towards a Green Economy in Europe
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The European Environment Agency (EEA) has released the Environmental Indicator Report 2012, which focuses on six main themes: nitrogen emissions and threats to biodiversity; carbon emissions and climate change; air pollution and air quality; the marine environment; stress on water resources; and use of material resources.

EEA16 May 2012: In the lead up to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), the European Environment Agency (EEA) has produced a publication titled “Environmental Indicator Report 2012.” The Report assesses progress within the EU to support the transition to a green economy, and presents established indicators that illustrate progress towards improving resource efficiency and indicators that depict the risk of passing environmental thresholds.

The Report focuses on six main themes: nitrogen emissions and threats to biodiversity; carbon emissions and climate change; air pollution and air quality; the marine environment; stress on water resources; and use of material resources and waste. The Report contains mixed findings, including that while environmental policies in Europe have improved resource use efficiency, they have not bolstered ecosystem resilience.

Among challenges, the report identifies: domestic progress in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but increasing global emissions; pressure on marine environments from overfishing and shipping; and the effect of water stress on ecosystems. [EEA Press Release] [Publication: Environmental Indicator Report 2012]

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