27 February 2013: The European Commission (EC) has released its common approach to global development goals. The Communication, titled “A Decent Life for All: Ending poverty and giving the world a sustainable future,” calls for addressing environmental sustainability simultaneously with eliminating poverty.

In a Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee of the Regions, the EC supports a focus on a limited set of goals that address quantitative and qualitative targets, and apply to all countries while taking into account different national capacities and levels of development.

The EC recommends that the processes around post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) converge “as soon as possible” into a single integrated framework with common priority challenges and objectives. It says the post-2015 framework should include clear, inspiring, action-oriented goals within a framework that catalyzes good governance, social cohesion, transparency and women’s empowerment. It recommends: constructing the framework around key elements: ensuring basic living standards; promoting drivers for inclusive and sustainable growth; ensuring sustainable resource management; and promoting equality, equity, justice and peace and security.

While noting that challenges remain in achieving the MDGs, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and conflict-affected and fragile states, the EC concludes that elimination of poverty within a single generation is “within reach.” Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, said eradicating extreme poverty “is not a question of resources, but rather of having the political will and the right framework.” Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for Environment, stressed simultaneously addressing poverty eradication and sustainable development, and said the “Communication proposes a single, coherent framework to offer a decent life for all by 2030.”

The Communication will feed into the EU’s positions on reviewing the MDGs and formulating the SDGs and the post-2015 agenda, and outlines the next steps for EU engagement in these processes. The EC notes that the EU will support the “transition to an inclusive green economy” through various policies and actions at the EU and international levels. Annex I documents current and future actions that contribute to Rio+20 implementation. Annex II describes public consultations to generate common priorities. [Europa Press Release] [Publication: A Decent Life for All: Ending Poverty and Giving the World a Sustainable Future] [EU Press Release] [EU FAQs]