10 July 2013
DESA Guidebook Reviews Green Economy Initiatives
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The Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) of the UN Department for Economic and Social Development (DESA) has published the fourth guidebook in its series on the green economy.

'A guide to international green economy initiatives' provides background on international cooperation on green economy, reviews international green economy initiatives and includes a resource guide to green economy initiatives.

UNDESAJune 2013: The Division for Sustainable Development (DSD) of the UN Department for Economic and Social Development (DESA) has published the fourth guidebook in its series on the green economy. ‘Issue 4: A guide to international green economy initiatives’ provides background on international cooperation on green economy, reviews international green economy initiatives and includes a resource guide to green economy initiatives.

The guidebook maps the key actors involved in implementing green economy initiatives, the services provided through these initiatives and the geographical reach of initiatives, with the aim of ensuring coordination and complementarity of initiatives.

Key actors involved in green economy implementation, according to the publication, include the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN 21), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the World Bank.

The guidebook finds that services focused on information (64%) and capacity building (60%) are most common, while financing (38%), research (26%), technology transfer (14%) and matching or brokering (9%) services are less common. The guidebook therefore suggests developing a demand-driven brokering mechanism for the green economy. The countries that have received the highest number of services from green economy initiatives are Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal and Tanzania. According to the guidebook, most green economy funds focus on the global climate finance architecture, with the UNFCCC’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and the GEF providing the largest financial resources.

The resource guide section includes information on 58 green economy, green growth and low-carbon development initiatives, including 16 platforms and forums, 15 partnerships, 13 programs and 14 funds, facilities and mechanisms. The summaries describe the initiatives’: background and objectives; services; partner organizations and donors; regional scope; and time frame, and include a link for additional information. [DESA Press Release] [Publication: A Guide to International Green Economy Initiatives] [IISD RS Story on Guidebook 1] [IISD RS Story on Guidebook 2] [IISD RS Story on Guidebook 3]

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