25 February 2013: The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) has reported on the outcomes of the Delhi Clean Energy Conference, which showcased clean energy progress in emerging economies and initiated the development of a South-South-North Knowledge and Collaboration Partnership in Clean Energy.

The conference focused on clean energy progress in Brazil, South Africa, India, and China (BASIC), and in Mexico, Indonesia, and South Korea (MIS), including projects on: solar energy; biofuels; hydropower; and energy efficiency in appliances and buildings. A background theme paper with recommendations to scale up progress was discussed, and a revised version will be presented at the fourth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM4) in April 2013 in New Delhi.

The conference also discussed the development of a South-South-North Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration Partnership in Clean Energy between BASIC, MIS, and other CEM countries. The partnership aims to facilitate learning though the development of workshops, training modules, and expert exchanges, and will in the next stage map out South-South collaboration opportunities and partners.

The conference was held 11-12 December 2012 in New Delhi, India, and was organized by the government of India, the World Bank, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), and the Shakti Foundation. [CEM Press Release] [CEM Delhi Conference Announcement]