13 November 2017
COP Stocktaking Plenary, Facilitative Sharing of Views Convene: 10-11 November Highlights
Photo by IISD/ENB | Kiara Worth
story highlights

During the stocktaking plenary, COP 23 President Frank Bainimarama informed Parties he would propose an approach to the Talanoa Dialogue in the second week.

AOSIS called for the Talanoa Dialogue to ensure that the findings from the IPCC special report on 1.5°C are taken up before COP 24.

Under the facilitative sharing of views, Armenia, Ecuador, Georgia, Serbia and Jamaica made presentations on their biennial assessment reports.

11 November 2017: The UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, continued on Friday and Saturday, 10-11 November 2017. The facilitative sharing of views (FSV) and the multilateral assessment convened on Friday, and the COP President held an informal stocktaking plenary on Saturday. During the two days, informal consultations and contact groups convened under the Conference of the Parties (COP), the COP serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP), the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA), the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI).

During the stocktaking plenary on 11 November, COP 23 President Frank Bainimarama informed Parties he would propose an approach to the Talanoa Dialogue in the second week. The SBSTA and SBI Chairs and the APA Co-Chairs reported on progress made, and countries and groups made statements, including the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), who called for the Talanoa Dialogue to ensure that the findings from the IPCC special report on 1.5°C are taken up before COP 24.

During COP informal consultations on matters related to finance, specifically on the process to identify information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Paris Agreement Article 9.5 (ex ante finance transparency), developing country groups and Parties, opposed by some developed countries, called for a COP 23 decision forwarding this item to one of the Subsidiary Bodies (SBs), citing the need to ensure continued consideration throughout 2018. Some developing and developed countries’ views diverged on whether the mandate for this item also includes a focus on mobilizing climate change finance.

During APA informal consultations on further guidance in relation to the mitigation section of decision 1/CP.21 (Adoption of the Paris Agreement on climate change), a large number of groups and countries supported using the 45-page preliminary materials document as a basis for further work, but noted it contained redundancies and duplication and should be shortened. One developed country opposed using it as a basis for further work.

During APA informal consultations on modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the transparency framework for action and support, two Parties argued that support registered in the transparency framework must be agreed by both providers and receivers to be aimed exclusively at meeting Paris Agreement obligations.

During APA informal consultations on the global stocktake, Parties discussed how to operationalize equity in its context.

During APA informal consultations on the Adaptation Fund, one developing country cautioned against prejudging negotiations related to Paris Agreement Article 6 (cooperative approaches), and another proposed that the Adaptation Fund Board be mandated to deal with many of the issues identified in the proposed transition period.

During APA informal consultations on the possible additional matters relating to the modalities for Paris Agreement 9.5, many developed countries stated that the COP is undertaking much of the work mandated by this provision. Developing countries called for the COP to mandate the APA to take it up, citing linkages to work under APA item 5 on the transparency framework. Many developing countries and groups said many issues related to the Fund can be addressed by the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Trustee or the Adaptation Fund Board.

During APA informal consultations on adaptation communication, two developing country groups supported two separate sets of adaptation communication guidance: general guidance and NDC-specific guidance. Several developed countries opposed this, noting that the group is mandated to develop guidance for adaptation communication and not for communicating on adaptation through the NDCs. Several countries stated this proposal could generate an additional burden.

During APA informal consultations on the global stocktake (GST), Parties discussed how to operationalize equity in the context of the GST. A developing country group underscored that equity is about how the GST will reflect fairness, while a developed country said that equity means equal participation in the process. A developed country underscored that the GST has not been “directed to fix inequity.”

During APA informal consultations on other further matters, Parties clarified views on a possible additional matter relating to the initial COP serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) guidance to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environment Facility (GCF). Many developed countries stressed no additional guidance was needed. Developing countries preferred to wait for more clarity on the “CMA workplan” before discussing additional guidance. A developing country group proposed that CMA 1 start a process to consider possible additional guidance.

APA informal consultations also convened on the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance, with some Parties opposing a GST link with other bodies, and others proposing links to the response measures forum and Paris Agreement Article 6.

During the facilitative sharing of views (FSV) under the SBI, Armenia reported that its GHG inventory preparation was guided by relying on 2016 guidelines and prioritizing national inventories and data. Among voluntary mitigation actions, Ecuador highlighted pillars to implement REDD+, including: its REDD+ action plan; a reference level of forest emissions from deforestation; and a national forest monitoring system. Georgia outlined the support it requires for technology transfer, development of financial schemes for priority economic niches, climate-smart agriculture (CSA) and research in land-use change. Jamaica highlighted timely data collection and procuring suitable experts as obstacles. Serbia underscored the need to strengthen capacity for biennial update reports (BURs) preparation.

During SBI informal consultations on review of the functions of the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF), Parties diverged on a proposal to organize the Forum biennially. Many opposed a request to produce a biennial report assessing what is required to stay below 2°C.

During SBI informal consultations on coordination of support for the implementation of mitigation activities in the forest sector by developing countries, Parties continued to disagree on, inter alia, whether the voluntary focal point meetings had fulfilled their purpose or should continue, and the need for an independent governance body to support REDD+ support and implementation.

SBI informal consultations also convened on the Poznan Strategic Programme on Technology Transfer, with Parties reporting that informal informal consultations had resolved differences on GEF reporting on collaboration between GEF focal points and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) Designated National Entities (DNEs). The agreed text will be forwarded to the SBI Chair as draft conclusions.

During a SBSTA contact group on matters related to Paris Agreement Article 6, Parties discussed an informal note on Article 6.2 (internally transferred mitigation outcomes), with AOSIS suggesting a 5% share of proceeds go towards adaptation. Costa Rica suggested text on a centralized registry using blockchain technology. The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) suggested sub-elements for environmental integrity on adverse impacts for environment, social integrity and human rights. Brazil said the note was unbalanced in favor of project-based activities.

Regarding an informal note on Article 6.4 (mechanism), Brazil said the international registry was not sufficiently prominent. The Arab Group and the Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDCs) said their request for response measures to be a major heading was not respected. AOSIS said the text did not adequately reflect its desire for Article 6 implementation to contribute to overall global mitigation.

During SBSTA informal consultations on a technology framework, several Parties called for grounding the decision in Paris Agreement Article 10.6 (support for technology development and transfer) and for a clear linkage to Article 13 (transparency framework), while one Party cautioned against prejudging the outcome of the transparency discussions.[Fiji/Bonn Highlights: Friday, 10 November 2017] [Fiji/Bonn Highlights: Saturday, 11 November 2017] [IISD RS Coverage of COP 23]

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IISD Reporting Services is producing the Earth Negotiations Bulletin (ENB), providing coverage of the negotiations. This Daily Update brings you the highlights.

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