13 February 2012
Commission for Social Development Adopts Resolution on NEPAD
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The 50th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD) discussed as a priority theme “Poverty Eradication.” The Commission adopted seven resolutions ranging from mainstreaming disability into the development agenda, to the social dimensions of African development, to the future organization and methods of work of the CSocD, and the preparation for and observance of the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family.

10 February 2012: The 50th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD), which focused on the theme “Poverty Eradication,” concluded with the adoption of seven resolutions, including on the need to mainstream disability in the development agenda and the social dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).

The 50th session of the Commission convened from 1-10 February 2012 at UN Headquarters in New York, US. The resolution on disability emphasizes the need to promote the linkages between disability and global development priorities, including poverty reduction and sustainable development.

The resolution on NEPAD expresses concerns that the achievement of social development objectives may be affected by the adverse impacts of the financial and economic crises, the volatile energy and food prices and the challenges posed by climate change. It encourages the international community to support African countries in addressing climate change by providing the financial and technological resources and capacity-building needed to support adaptation and mitigation actions, and achieve social and people-centred sustainable development. This resolution highlights the high poverty levels and social exclusion faced by most African countries and the need for a comprehensive approach to the development and implementation of socioeconomic policies to reduce poverty and promote economic growth and sustainable development. It calls for measures to address the challenges of poverty eradication and sustainable development in Africa, with emphasis on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) related to poverty and hunger, health, education, the empowerment of women and gender equality. It further calls for efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and increase access for smallholder farmers to agricultural resources, infrastructure, information and markets.

Other resolutions adopted during the session address: the future organization and methods of work of the CSocD; preparation for and observance of the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family; the future work of the Commission; and the provisional agenda for the 51st session. [ECOSOC Summary, 1 February] [ECOSOC Summary, 2 February] [ECOSOC Summary, 3 February] [ECOSOC Summary, 6 February] [ECOSOC Summary, 9 February] [ECOSOC Summary, 10 February] [ECOSOC Summary, 10 February]

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