February 2018: The Centre of Excellence (COE) for Sustainable Development for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), a UNDP initiative based in Aruba, has showcased a number of activities in support of SDG implementation. A series of case studies illustrate efforts for SIDS’ sustainable development, including through sustainable tourism and sustainable energy.

The Government of Aruba, in collaboration with the UN Development Programme (UNDP), launched the COE to strengthen innovation and resilience in SIDS by sharing SDG best practices and lessons learned, and supporting SIDS to achieve sustainable development. The COE offers a platform to exchange experience and knowledge on climate resilience, environment, renewable energy, water management, public health, public-private partnerships (PPPs) and tourism.

The Bucati and Tara Beach Resort lowers bills for customers who do not have their sheets and towels changed daily.

The sustainable tourism case study focuses on how Aruba’s Bucati and Tara Beach Resort can contribute to SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) and SDG 14 (life below water). The case study emphasizes the role of actors like the Bucati and Tara Beach Resort in moving from a business-as-usual approach to a more collaborative approach to achieve the SDGs that engages a wide range of stakeholders. The report describes how the Resort has designed and implemented a business model that adheres to sustainable tourism certification standards. The Resort then changed its approaches to energy use, water consumption, waste disposal and sewage treatment to meet eco-friendly standards and increase its profitability. For example, the Resort lowers bills for customers who do not have their sheets and towels changed daily, and does not provide straws unless customers specifically request them. The report shares lessons learned and opportunities for scaling up.

The case study on sustainable energy highlights an inclusive approach in Aruba, in line with SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy). The report discusses the Government of Aruba’s plans to move from 20% to 100% renewable energy by 2020, and introduces the Reliable, Affordable and Sustainable (RAS) approach as a way to address challenges in achieving this goal. The RAS approach aims to facilitate cooperation among stakeholders, create a common framework of understanding, manage political expectations and enable realistic planning for a renewable energy transition. The report also provides suggestions for scaling up the RAS approach in other SIDS, using lessons learned from Aruba.

In 2018, COE plans to launch an online toolkit for implementing the SDGs in SIDS and an online course on renewable energy for SIDS policymakers. [COE Website] [Sustainable Tourism Case Study] [Sustainable Energy Case Study]




