30 September 2018: The tenth edition of Climate Week NYC sought to showcase climate actions and generate political momentum to ensure a strong outcome at the Katowice Climate Change Conference in Poland in December 2018, where the implementation guidelines for the Paris Agreement on climate change are expected to be adopted.

Climate Week NYC 2018, which convened from 24-30 September, included, among others:

  • a high-level discussion on financing climate futures and rethinking infrastructure, which addressed the scaling up of financial flows to low-emission and resilient infrastructure investments and was hosted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), UN Environment Programme (UNEP, or UN Environment) and the World Bank;
  • the second One Planet Summit, co-hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron and UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Action Michael Bloomberg; and
  • the 2018 Momentum for Change award, which recognizes climate action and is co-organized by the UNFCCC and The Climate Group.

In a statement during the opening ceremony, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa called for increased urgency in combating climate action, leadership and a strong multilateral response. Transmitting the results of the September 2018 Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS), which outlined the ways in which States, regions, cities, businesses, investors and communities are increasing climate action to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, she stressed efforts that empower bottom-up action, in the form of “inclusive multilateralism,” which recognizes the need for “more voices at the table.”

Climate Week NYC is run by The Climate Group in coordination with the UN and the City of New York, US, and takes place alongside the annual meetings of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). It brings together government representatives, investors, governors, CEOs, mayors and other stakeholders. [Climate Week NYC] [UNFCCC Article on Events at Climate Week NYC] [Statement by UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa]



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