21 April 2011: The Climate Investment Funds (CIF) 2011 Partnership Forum has been rescheduled to take place in Cape Town, South Africa, on 24-25 June 2011, and is receiving requests for stakeholder representatives to attend the Forum.

The CIF Administrative Unit is supporting NGO, indigenous peoples and private sector representatives who serve on CIF governing bodies as ‘Active Observers’ to attend the Forum. In addition, funds are also available to support the participation at the CIF 2011 Partnership Forum of a number of representatives from these constituencies from developing countries.

Stakeholder Forum is supporting the self-selection process. In collaboration with two advisory groups made up of CIF Observers, Stakeholder Forum has generated selection criteria for NGOs and indigenous peoples representatives, as well as a separate selection criteria for private sector participants. An online form is provided to apply for sponsorship to participate in the meeting, and the deadline for applications is 29 April 2011. [Stakeholder Forum Website] [Online Form for Application for Sponsorship]