SE4ALL21 October 2014: Central African countries have come together to back a regional policy on universal energy access and to promote social and economic development under the UN-led Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative. In committing to a SE4ALL Action Agenda, countries will focus on doubling the share of renewables and the rate of energy efficiency improvement, as well as ensuring access to modern energy services for their populations.

Representatives validated a white paper outlining the policy at an expert and ministerial meeting held in Yaoundé, Cameroon, from 14-18 October 2014. The meeting, which was convened by the Economic Community for Central African States (ECCAS) and the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC), brought together over 60 participants, including ministers of energy.

The ministers adopted a resolution that calls on Central African countries to advance the objectives of SE4ALL nationally by developing SE4ALL Action Agendas and Investment Prospectuses. Although all 10 countries have opted into SE4ALL, a majority need to initiate the SE4ALL country action process. Speaking on behalf of the energy ministers, Cameroon’s Minister of Energy and Water, Basile Atangana Kouna, commented that the white paper would advance regional integration, calling it “an instrument of our vision.”

The discussions were informed by the SE4ALL Africa Hub, which is hosted by the Energy, Environment and Climate Change Department of the African Development Bank (AfDB). The UN Development Programme (UNDP) also supported the meeting, which follows the launches of the SE4ALL Action Agenda by Southern and Eastern African States and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) earlier in 2014. [AfDB Press Release] [SE4ALL Africa Hub]




