Clean Energy Ministerial29 October 2015: According to the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), the global market for off-grid appliances is expected to experience “rapid, significant growth,” with consumer spending on off-grid fans, televisions and refrigerators increasing from US$525 million in 2015 to a possible US$4.7 billion in 2020. The research also highlights challenges that must be overcome in order for the market’s potential to be fully realized, in regard to energy efficiency, finance, tariffs and taxes, distribution, consumer awareness and customer service.

Recommendations to help market stakeholders overcome these barriers include: improving market intelligence and data, increasing access to finance and enacting policy reforms. The research was sponsored by the Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global Leap), a US Department of Energy-led initiative of the CEM. The full findings will be released by the end of 2015. Key findings of the research were announced at the 4th International Off-Grid Lighting Conference and Exhibition held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from 26-29 October 2015.

The Conference and Exhibition brought together lighting and solar kit manufacturers, component suppliers, importers, distributors, retailers, government representatives, donors, investors, non-governmental organizations and academics to discuss future directions of the off-grid solar lighting and services market. Participants shared their experiences in the market and identified measures the industry can take to reach its full potential in a sustainable manner. Specifically, the event aimed to: showcase the latest developments in off-grid and lighting industry; enable networking and information exchange; provide business-to-business linkages among manufacturers, suppliers and financial service providers; facilitate increased investor support; highlight the latest trends and developments in business and financing models; and address policy issues and facilitate dialogue between policymakers and the industry.

More than 450 participants and 40 exhibitors attended the event, which was co-organized by the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association and the World Bank Group. The first such conference took place in Accra, Ghana, in 2008. [Clean Energy Ministerial News Story] [Conference Website] [Key Findings from the Market Research]



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