Clean Energy Ministerial2 June 2015: The Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM)’s Clean Energy Solutions Center has launched the Clean Energy Grid Integration Network (CEGIN), which aims to help governments strengthen policies and programmes to enable high levels of renewable energy generation for electricity systems.

CEGIN is a partnership of the Clean Energy Solutions Center, the CEM’s 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP), Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) and Asia LEDS Partnership, and the US Agency for International Development (USAID). To support developing countries and emerging economies in meeting their renewable energy targets, the network will provide: technical resources on policy good practices for enabling grid integration; expert technical assistance; training and knowledge exchange; and regional and global networks.

Interested parties can sign up to become CEGIN members, and receive information on resources and services and be invited to participate in events on clean energy grid integration policies. [CEGIN Webpage] [CEM News Release]



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