8 July 2013
CBD Secretariat Develops New Portal on the LifeWeb Initiative on Protected Areas
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The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has developed a new online portal for receiving expressions of interest for funding for protected areas in the framework of the LifeWeb Initiative.

CBD20 June 2013: The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has developed a new online portal for receiving expressions of interest for funding for protected areas in the framework of the LifeWeb Initiative.

The portal is consistent with the new framework harmonizing the LifeWeb Initiative with the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi targets. As a result of a consultation process, the LifeWeb Initiative was broadened to offer the opportunity to CBD parties, in particular developing country parties or countries with economies in transition, and local and indigenous community groups, to seek financial support for projects consistent with the area-based Aichi targets through the LifeWeb Clearing-house. This allows parties to post their financial needs for projects related to the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas and Aichi target 11 (protected areas), and also for Aichi targets 5 (habitat loss), 9 (invasive alien species), 12 (species extinction), 13 (genetic erosion of agricultural biodiversity), 14 (restoration of ecosystem services) and 15 (ecosystem restoration and contribution to carbon stocks). The new portal includes instructions and a downloadable submission template for expressions of interest. [CBD Notification][LifeWeb Initiative Portal]

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