14 November 2011
CBD Releases Draft Study on Impacts of Climate-Related Geo-engineering on Biodiversity
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The CBD Secretariat has circulated, for technical and stakeholder peer review, a draft study on the impacts of climate-related geo-engineering on biodiversity.

The study compiles and synthesizes available scientific information on the possible impacts of geo-engineering techniques on biodiversity, including preliminary information on associated social, economic and cultural considerations.

11 November 2011: Available for peer-review, a draft study circulated by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) compiles and synthesizes available scientific information on the possible impacts of geo-engineering techniques on biodiversity, including preliminary information on associated social, economic and cultural considerations. Comments are being accepted until 9 December 2011.

Prepared in response to Decision X/33, para 9(l), the report also includes options on definitions and understandings of climate-related geo-engineering relevant to the CBD.

Upon the completion of this first round of technical and stakeholder peer-review, and further revision, the study will be submitted to a second peer-review process by Parties. The final report will take into account peer review comments as well as the views and experiences of indigenous and local communities (ILCs) and other stakeholders and will be used to prepare a pre-session document for the 16th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 16). [CBD Notification] [Draft Report]

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