Rio+2027 April 2012: The Government of Brazil briefed UN Member States on the composition and logistics of the Sustainable Development Dialogues, which will be hosted by Brazil during the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20), in an effort to ensure civil society involvement in the Conference. Recommendations resulting from the Dialogue Days will be submitted for consideration by the High-level Roundtables at Rio+20.

Addressed by Julio Bitelli, Minister-Counselor, Brazil, and Brice Lalonde, Rio+20 Executive Coordinator, at a briefing on 27 April 2012, States heard that the Dialogues will address 10 major issues on the sustainable development agenda, including: sustainable development, as an answer to the current economic and financial crises; poverty alleviation; water; oceans; forests; sustainable energy for all; food and nutrition security; the economics of sustainable development; sustainable cities and innovation; and unemployment, decent work and migrations.

A 10-member team with equal gender and geographic representation will be assigned to each topic to synthesize and disseminate recommendations from all participants for discussion during the Dialogues. The teams will be selected by the Government of Brazil and assisted by the Rio+20 Executive Coordinators and the UN. UN Organizations will be asked to submit proposals for candidates.

Virtual participation ahead of the Dialogues, through an internet platform, is being encouraged. Participants will be able to vote on topics for consideration and possible recommendations.

The Sustainable Development Dialogues will take place from 16-19 June 2012, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, immediately prior to the High-level Segment of Rio+20. [IISD RS coverage of the briefing] [Dialogues Website]