Benin Hosts CC:Learn Workshop on Climate Change Learning and Skills Development14 November 2011: The UN CC:Learn pilot project titled “Strengthening Human Resources and Skills to Address Climate Change” commenced with a National Planning Workshop in Benin.

The workshop, which was held on 10 November 2011 in Cotonou, Benin, was organized in recognition of the fact that addressing the challenges of the adverse effects of climate change in Benin, such as floods, droughts, heat-waves and sea-level rise, requires new competences and skills in various sectors, and at different levels of governance.

The workshop aimed to: develop a common understanding of the UN CC:Learn project; take stock of relevant national and international initiatives; identify key actors; and agree on terms of reference and work plan for developing a national strategy to strengthen human resources and skills to advance green, low emission and climate resilient development.

The UN CC:Learn pilot projects aim at supporting Benin, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Malawi and Uganda, in taking a strategic and long-term approach to climate change learning with the ultimate goal of mainstreaming climate change learning within existing learning systems. This workshop was attended by about 40 representatives from various government sectors, national education and training institutions, civil society and the UN system.

The One UN Training Service Platform on Climate Change (UN CC:Learn) is a collaborative initiative involving 30 UN agencies which supports member States, UN agencies and other development partners in designing and implementing country-driven, results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. [UN CC:Learn Press Release]