5 January 2011
Advance Synthesis Report Released for First UNCSD Intersessional
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The report synthesizes views of States, Major Groups, and UN system entities on the three objectives and two themes of the UNCSD.

23 December 2010: An advance, unedited copy of a synthesis report has been released by the UNCSD Secretariat, in preparation for the First Intersessional Meeting on 10-11 January 2011.

The document, titled “Synthesis Report on Best Practices and Lessons Learned on the Objective and Themes of the Conference” (A/CONF.216/PC), is based on 101 submissions by States, Major Groups’ organizations, and UN system entities, in the form of responses to a questionnaire. The questionnaire process was proposed by the first session of the UNCSD Preparatory Committee in May 2010.

The advance version of the report will not be submitted formally to the Intersessional as planned, but rather at the second session of the Preparatory Committee in March 2011, in order to allow for additional responses, particularly from developing country governments, according to Sha Zukang, Conference Secretary-General, speaking on 15 December. According to the report, half of the member State submissions came from developed countries, including one comprehensive submission from the EU, and half from developing countries or countries with economies in transition.

The report contains sections on the three objectives for the conference: renewed political commitment for sustainable development; assessing progress and remaining gaps in implementation; and addressing new and emerging challenges. It also has sections on each of the two themes for the conference: a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and the institutional framework for sustainable development.

The report also provides a list of all respondents to the questionnaire. Their submissions also have been made available online. [The Report] [Questionnaire Responses] [Statement of Sha Zukang]

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