UNFCCC19 October 2015: The 11th part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2-11) under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has opened in Bonn, Germany. The week-long meeting is the last scheduled round of negotiations before the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the UNFCCC meets in Paris, France, to adopt a global climate change agreement.

ADP 2-11 will proceed on the basis of the agenda (ADP/2013/AGENDA) adopted at ADP 2-1, structured around workstream 1 (2015 agreement) and workstream 2 (pre-2020 ambition). Its task of developing the 2015 agreement will be based on the negotiating text as compiled at the Geneva Climate Change Conference in February 2015. As requested by Parties at ADP 2-10 to aid them in this task, ADP Co-Chairs Ahmed Djoghlaf (Algeria) and Daniel Reifsnyder (US) issued a non-paper (ADP.2015.8.InformalNote) on 5 October 2015, which contains a draft agreement and decision text for the Paris climate package and a draft decision on workstream 2.

According to the Co-Chairs’ scenario note (ADP.2015.7.InformalNote), the objective of ADP 2-11 is to intensify the pace of text-based negotiations to deliver a draft agreement and accompanying decisions for finalization at COP 21, taking place in November-December 2015. In their scenario note, the Co-Chairs indicate that work at ADP 2-11 will begin in two open-ended drafting committees for workstreams 1 and 2 and continue throughout the week in spin-off groups on the various sections of the draft text and on pre-2020 ambition.

ADP 2-11 will conclude on 23 October 2015. [IISD RS Coverage of ADP 2-11] [ADP 2-11 Website] [ADP Co-Chairs’ Scenario Note] [ADP Co-Chairs’ Non-Paper] [IISD RS Story on ADP 2-10]