6 December 2011
Adaptation Fund Highlights Case Studies of Direct Access to Financing
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The Adaptation Fund presented the experiences of five National Implementing Entities (NIEs) accredited under the AF's direct access approach, which allows country to directly access the Fund without multilateral or international institutions.

Adaptation Fund5 December 2011: At the Durban Climate Change Conference, the Adaptation Fund featured case studies from National Implementing Entities (NIEs), and announced the winner of the Adaptation Fund Photo Contest.

At a side event on 30 November 2011, the fund invited five NIEs to present their experiences working with the fund: South Africa’s National Biodiversity Institute; Senegal’s Center for Ecological Monitoring; Benin’s National Environment Fund; and the Planning Institute of Jamaica. The NIE process allows countries to access funds directly, without a multilateral or international institution as an intermediary. This gives countries the sole responsibility for project implementation, including supervision and evaluation, providing the opportunity to strengthen national institutions.

In addition, the winners of the Adaptation Fund 2011 Photo Contest were announced, with a photo from Bangladesh titled “Jute Cultivation-Fight against the Climate Change” by Mahbubur Rahman winning the prize for best photo. [Adaptation Fund Press Release]

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