26 April 2011: The Adaptation Fund Board (AFB) has posted 13 project proposals on its website for comment from civil society. The proposals come from Argentina, Djibouti, Fiji, Guatemala, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Seychelles, Tanzania and Turkmenistan.

Jamaica also submitted a proposal through the direct access mechanism, which allows developing countries to access funds from the fund directly without the intermediation of multilateral development institutions. The fund is inviting comments particularly from local communities and organizations close to the areas where the proposals are expected to be executed.

The projects include: Increasing Climate Resilience and Enhancing Sustainable Land Management in the Southwest of the Buenos Aires Province in Argentina; Developing Agro-Pastoral Shade Gardens as an Adaptation Strategy for Poor Rural Communities in Djibouti; Enhancing Resilience of Rural Communities to Flood and Drought-Related Climate Change and Disaster Risks in the Ba Catchment Area in Fiji; Climate Change Resilient Production Landscapes and Socio-economic network advanced in Guatemala; Enhancing the Resilience of the Agriculture Sector and Coastal Areas to Protect Livelihoods and Improve Food Security in Jamaica; Promoting Climate Resilience in the Rice Sector in Madagascar; Increasing Climate Resilience through an Integrated Water Resource Management Programme in the Maldives; Promoting a Community Based Approach to Building Resilience to the Food Security Impacts of Climate Change in the Faguibine System in Mali; Ecosystem Based Adaptation Approach to Maintaining Water Security in Critical Water Catchments in Mongolia; Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Communities to Climate Change Related Floods in Papua New Guinea; Ecosystem Based Adaptation to Climate Change in Seychelles; Implementation of Concrete Adaptation Measures to Reduce Vulnerability Livelihood and Economy of Coastal Communities in Tanzania; and Addressing Climate Change Risk to Farming Systems in Turkmenistan at National and Community Level.

The Adaptation Fund Board will consider the proposals at upcoming meetings. The 14th meeting of the Board will take place in Bonn, Germany, on 21-22 June 2011. [Adaptation Fund Press Release] [Country Proposals to the Adaptation Fund]