4-5 March 2020 Male, Kaafu, Maldives
Validation Workshop for the Island States in the Indian Ocean Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy

The Validation Workshop for the Island States in the Indian Ocean (ISIO) Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy will review and finalize the draft Island States in the Indian Ocean Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy and develop an implementation plan.

Participants will discuss climate finance data needs and data availability at the country level as well as key priorities and strategies for mobilizing and accessing climate finance. National experts in the Island States will also engage with partner institutions, exchange information on their priority needs and deliberate on an Implementation Framework for the Climate Finance Mobilization and Access Strategy.

dates: 4-5 March 2020
location: Male, Kaafu, Maldives
www: https://unfccc.int/topics/climate-finance/workstreams/needs-based-finance-nbf-project/nbf-regional-projects/validation-workshop-for-the-island-states-in-the-indian-ocean-isio-climate-finance-mobilization-and

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