26 October 2016 New York City, US
UNGA Second Committee Side Event on Sovereign Debt Restructurings

The UN General Assembly's (UNGA) Second Committee is holding this side event on ‘Sovereign debt restructurings: Lessons learned from legislative steps taken by certain countries and other appropriate action to reduce the vulnerability of sovereigns to holdout creditors,' organized by the UN Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The event will: contribute ideas and knowledge to inform the Committee's deliberations on challenges to sovereign debt crisis prevention and resolution; analyze measures to limit the activities of hold-out creditors and their implications for future regulatory efforts to improve sovereign debt restructuring frameworks; and make recommendations on the way forward, including facilitating the support needed from the UN system and international cooperation. The event will include panel presentations and an interactive discussion.  

date: 26 October 2016  
  10:00 am to 1:00 pm  
venue: UN Headquarters, Conference Room 2  
location: New York City, US  
contact: UNCTAD  
www: http://www.un.org/en/ga/second/71/sideevents.shtml

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