UN General Assembly President Miroslav Lajcak will convene an event titled ‘Financing for SDGs–Breaking the Bottlenecks of Investment, from Policy to Impact’. The concept note, programme and logistics note are now available.

In a briefing on 12 January, Lajcak said the event “should act as a platform for stronger public-private partnerships” and will explore ways for the UN to better align with the “rapidly changing world of international finance, and support the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda”. According to the provisional concept note, the event will focus on challenges and bottlenecks that block private investment towards SDG sectors, and elaborate the UN’s role in strengthening public-private partnerships (PPPs). It also will provide an opportunity for relevant actors to showcase and share best practices of scaling up investment in SDG sectors. According to Lajcak’s letter of 29 May, the event will address challenges in scaling up private investment for the SDGs, and explore solutions.

This event is one of three main events related to the implementation of the SDGs organized by the UNGA President in 2018. The other two focus on launching the International Decade for Action: Water for sustainable development 2018-2028 (22 March 2018) and youth (30 May).


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