7-10 June 2017 Costa Rica
UNEA 2017 Preparatory Activities

The Government of Costa Rica will host activities to engage stakeholders at different levels in support of the 2017 UN Environment Assembly (UNEA). The planned events include: a regional consultative Civil Society Meeting, bringing together regional and local civil society organizations engaged in work relevant to UNEA's theme of pollution with a special focus on oceans, to provide inputs and feedback to the final draft of the Third UNEA's background document on pollution (7-8 June 2017); a Global Dialogue for engaging the private sector on protecting oceans and tackling land-based pollution, to bring together senior policy-makers from different ministries and leaders of the private sector to discuss how global and regional communities can partner to create policies and practices that ensure sustainability thrives (8-9 June 2017); and the Second Environment Assembly preparatory retreat, at which members of the bureaux of UNEA and the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) and representatives from the regional and political groups will gather to finalize preparations of the Assembly (9-10 June 2017).

dates: 7-10 June 2017
location: Costa Rica
www: http://web.unep.org/about/cpr/

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