16-18 October 2017 Nairobi, Kenya
Symposium on Climate Change and Droughts Resilience in Africa

A Symposium on Climate Change and Droughts Resilience in Africa will convene under the theme ‘Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies to Enhance Food Security in the African Continent’. The event is organized by Strathmore University, Kenya; the Research and Transfer Centre ‘Applications of Life Sciences’ of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Manchester Metropolitan University, UK; and the International Climate Change Information Programme (ICCIP). It will focus on building resilience to climate change and droughts in Africa.

The symposium will mobilize aid workers, donors, scholars, social movements, practitioners, and members of governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It will seek to: provide research institutions, universities, NGOs, government agencies and enterprises from across Africa with an opportunity to display and present their work on climate change adaptation and droughts resilience; foster the exchange of information, ideas and experiences; discuss methodological approaches and experiences deriving from case studies and projects; and provide a platform for participants to explore possibilities for cooperation.

dates: 16-18 October 2017
location: Nairobi, Kenya
www: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/soils/docs/Nairobi.Symposium.Flyer.pdf

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